Thursday, December 6, 2018

Final Project

         For my final project I did a video about time. I explored the ideologies of time and asked the viewer what time means to them, how they use their time, and what their own definition of time is. I wrote a piece about time in which I attempted to express the importance of it. Here is what my script said: 

“The definition of time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
What does time mean to you?
How do you use your time each and every day?
What does time look like for you?
Would you define time as a number,
something that ticks away on a clock?
Is time a memory
that reminds you of the past? Or maybe the future?
Is it a person?
Someone who is written in history’s ambient?
Time is a moment.
It is a precious gift.
Time is given to every person, every day.
But why?
Maybe so we can take the time to make a difference.
Not just in our lives, but in others lives.
Maybe time is taking a moment to give someone a smile
Or allowing a hand to help
Maybe time is listening to a broken heart
Watching tears stroll down their cheeks
Maybe time is treating someone the way they don’t deserve
Because we are all in the same battle
Time is living in the moment
And cherishing every day, every minute, every second
Because we do not know when our time is up
It could be today, tomorrow, or years from now.
Why waste time when there is so little of it?
Would you be unkind if you knew it was someone’s last moments?
Would you have regrets? Would you have guilt?
Would you be desperate for just another moment to whisper,
“I’m sorry”
“Please forgive me”
“I love you”
Take time to be brave
To shout these things
To open your heart
For you never know when your clock will stop ticking
One moment
One moment in time
Can change everything
For it is our memories that we leave that makes our time valuable
Someone will always remember the times when you are vile
Yet someone will always cherish the times when you were kind
Time defines who you are.
Time is now
So, I ask you again,
What does time mean to you?
How do you use your time?
Is your time valuable to you?” 

        Throughout my writing,I genuinely wanted to speak to the viewer with the message that time can truly define you. I wanted the viewer to connect to the video by asking themselves the same questions that I was asking them. I feel like so many people don’t think about their life as temporary. Even though this is quite a pessimistic view of life, it is true. That’s why I believe in living in every moment and always being kind to everyone…because that may be your last moment to express kindness to them. You don’t want to leave this world with people hating you or with guilt on your shoulders. I believe many people forget this mentality and try to speed through life, yet time is so precious. I feel that many people forget that the memories you lay behind you define you, and that the memories that lay before can change everything. I wanted to express how even though we have little time, we can use what time we are given to bless and serve others to make a difference in their lives. 
       During my video, I used a variety of gorgeous nature scenes that represented time. I thought that a great representation of time and beauty would be in time lapses of nature. I think that hearing words of inspiration, as well as viewing inspiring scenes, creates a significantly inspiring video. That was my whole ambition of this project. I find myself consistently inspired by nature, and I know that nature’s beauty inspires a lot of people so it seemed appropriate to include in this video. I believe that time is also represented in nature so this element also adds to my overall theme. 
      I think that reaching a viewer’s heart is essential for change and appreciation. Asking questions, hearing inspiring words, and viewing scenes of opportunity and serenity are essential to the importance behind the video. 
      In my video, I explore the ideologies of time and expressed the importance of every moment. I asked several questions that spoke to the viewer about time in their own lives. I wanted to stress this theme of time because it is so often overlooked. 

Final Project

         For my final project I did a video about time. I explored the ideologies of time and asked the viewer what time means to them,...